How To Use This Site
About Prescribers’ SPaCE website
Prescribers’ SPaCE provides an effective online community for non-medical prescriber’s (NMP) to work together to share ideas, evidence based resources and good practice tools.
Prescribers’ SPaCE is designed to be easy to navigate. Pages can be selected on the menu bar at the top of each page on the website. The pages are Sharing, Prescribing News, Activity, Community, Events, E-learning. Clicking on the Prescribers’ SPaCE icon (top left side) will take you back to the home page. There is a search box in the top right hand corner to quickly search for what you are looking for on Prescribers’ SPaCE and you can also search by Key Topics and by Key Resource types on the Sharing and Prescribing News pages.
Please note: Prescribers’ SPaCE is compatible with the following browsers – Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 8+, though it will be a much better experience in Internet Explorer 9+. It is also compatible with Apple and Android devices.
Interactive and Sharing
Prescribers’ SPaCE is designed to be an interactive online community for NMPs – designed by NMPs for NMPs to collaborate. There are several ways in which you can interact with other NMPs including the following;
Sharing page
Sharing something with other NMPs e.g audits, business plans, job descriptions, guidelines, NMP policies etc. This is simple to do, simply click in the Submit Something to Share box on the Sharing page. This is the page where you will also find work that has been shared by other NMPs.
Prescribing News
The latest prescribing news relevant to NMPs will be added to this page by Prescribers’ SPaCE. If you have prescribing news that you feel would be helpful to NMPs, this is simple to do, simply click in the Submit Prescribing News box on the Prescribing News page. NMPs can add summaries on Prescribing News articles e.g as to what your thoughts are, how you plan to implement it, asking others how they are going to implement in practice etc.
When you log on, you will be taken to the Site-wide Activity page. This page shows you in chronological order what the latest activity has been on the Prescribers’ SPaCE website.
This page includes the social media aspects of the website eg – sending messages, being involved in group discussions, linking with members and is also where you can amend your profile.
This page includes information on relevant courses, events and conferences
CPD recording functionality
This site allows you to earn hours of CPD learning as you use it. Once you have earned your target number of hours, you can print off a certificate.
Click on the Show Hours of Learning button (top right ha to display your target hours of learning and current hours of learning. You can alter your target hours of learning by adjusting the slider. This can be done at any time. Once you have reached your target you can click the Generate Certificate button to download a PDF. You can review your past progress and download old certificates by visiting the diary archive.
Clicking on the Show Diary button will display a breakdown of how you have earned your current hours of learning. When you generate a certificate, the diary will be reset but you can still view historical progress by visiting the diary archive page.
How to Earn Hours of CPD Learning on Prescribers’ SPaCE website
Completing e-learning modules will earn you one hour of learning. ELearning can be found under the Key Resource Types menu on the Sharing page – those which can be recorded as CPD have a Record in My Diary button.
Submit Something to Share
Submitting something to share on the Sharing Page, which is then uploaded following a quality assurance review by the Prescribers’ SPaCE team, earns you one hour of CPD learning.
Sharing Ratings
You can earn 0.25 hours of CPD learning by rating shared items. Each item can be rated according to a number of criteria, and its final rating will be an average of the rating for each criteria. Your ratings will then be combined with those of other members and the overall rating will be displayed.
Submit Prescribing News
Submitting something to share on the Prescribing News Page, which is then uploaded following a quality assurance review by the Prescribers’ SPaCE team, earns you one hour of CPD learning.
Prescribing News Summaries
Writing summaries of Prescribing News articles can earn you 0.25 hours of learning. Read an article then write a short summary describing what it was about, your thoughts, ideas and questions or how it will be implemented and impact your practice. When your summary receives five likes you will earn the 0.25 hours of learning. You can view summaries which need likes by clicking on a View Summaries button.
Prescribing News Summary Likes
You can also earn 0.25 hours of learning for reading and liking other members’ summaries. Click on the View Summaries button for an article to view summaries which have not yet reached the maximum number of likes. You can award five likes in a one month period.
Attending Event
By attending an event promoted on Prescribers’ SPaCE website and completing the reflection proforma you can earn one hour of CPD learning.
We would really appreciate and welcome any feedback that you have on Prescribers’ SPaCE – what do you like about the website, how could we improve it? Any feedback positive or negative, little or small would be gratefully received. Your feedback will be used to shape further development of Prescribers’ SPaCE. Feedback is easy to give using the Feedback link in the bottom right hand corner of each page of the Prescribers’ SPaCE website.